Acne & Scarring

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A scarred face can have a severe psychological effect. Accidents, surgeries and acne can leave permanent scars on the skin. Your skin reacts to trauma by building scars made up of fibrous tissue. This tissue is not the same as your normal and healthy skin, making it appear discoloured, colourless, raised and/or indented. 

In the past, topical treatments and surgery were the main treatments for acne and scarring. With today’s laser acne treatment technology, we are able to revise scar tissue with more success and less risk. 

Laser acne removal treatments provide resurfacing to even out scar texture, irregularities and discolouration. To restore the skin’s surface, dermal fillers are used. Along with these treatment procedures, medical grade skin care can enhance the results and the healing. 


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Skin Rejuvenation

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Renew Your Skin By Removing Your Sun Damage and Age Spots 

Clear, younger looking skin is just a few treatments away with Limelight IPL treatment. This new, non-invasive approach reduces the appearance of sun-damaged skin and is effective in reducing or eliminating age spots. 

What does it treat? 

In addition to sun damage and age spots, the Limelight IPL commonly treats: 

  • Sun damage and age spots on:  
  • Face  
  • Chest  
  • Shoulders  
  • Arm  
  • Hands  
  • Freckles  
  • Photo damage  
  • Diffuse redness  
  • Tiny veins  
  • Hyperpigmentation and brown spots  
  • Appearance of rosacea (but will not remove it entirely)  

It is important to note that the Limelight IPL will not remove birthmarks and moles. 

What are the benefits? 

  • Safe & comfortable procedure  
  • Non-invasive  
  • No gel, pain medication or anesthetic cream required (utilizes pulsed light)  
  • Quick treatment time (less than 1 hour)  
  • Minimal treatments required (1-3) Works on most skin types as it can be customized to different skin tones and aging conditions, and  
  • Works well in combination with Laser Vein Removal  

What can I expect during treatment? 

During the treatment, you'll wear special eyewear that protects your eyes from the light beam of the laser. The treatment area will be prepared for the laser by spreading an anesthetic cream over the face or area to be treated. 

During the treatment, the laser light is guided over the treatment areas with a small handset. As the handset is moved over your skin, the laser sends a pulsed beam of light through your skin. A treatment usually takes up to 30 minutes. 

Does it hurt? 

Some patients may feel a slight discomfort with each laser pulse, described as feeling like the snapping of a rubber band on the skin. This mild discomfort resolves in a few seconds. 

How many treatment sessions will I need? 

Results vary from one person to another, but several treatments may be necessary to fully achieve the results you are looking for.

Visit us for a complimentary consultation to determine the most optimal treatments.

Excess Hair Removal

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Tired of spending all that time and money to remove excess hair? 

We’ve all got unwanted hair, male or female. Whether it’s on your face, chest, back, legs, underarms, or the bikini area, it’s there. 

You’ve tried everything—tweezing, waxing, sugaring and threading to eliminate or reduce it. If you add up all the time and expense spent on excess hair removal, you would have a fat wallet and time on your hands. 

Permanent hair removal 

There is a solution. Permanent hair removal is ideal for most skin types, and unwanted hair growth can be stopped.  

The benefits of Laser Hair removal treatment: 

  • No more waxing, electrolysis or razors 
  • Effective, safe, and permanent 
  • Versatile procedures -- able to quickly adjust laser wavelengths for differences in hair thickness and type 
  • Minimal treatments are needed (3-6) 
  • Customizable to coarseness of hair 
  • Minimizes adverse skin reactions often seen with other laser systems. 
  • Able to accommodate all skin types from light to dark tones, including tanned skin 

Visit us for a complimentary consultation to determine the most optimal treatments.


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Rosacea, which is often called flushing or redness in the face, is caused by tiny blood vessels below the skin’s surface becoming dilated. This allows more blood to flow, and your skin appears redder. 

What causes the flushing or redness? 

There are several causes behind why the capillaries dilate. Exercise, histamine (which is produced by your immune system and can be caused by allergies), and reduced estrogen due to menopause (known as a hot flash) are some of them. 

With allergic reactions to certain foods (MSG, sodium nitrate—used in cured meats, and sulphites—used in alcohol), facial flushing may occur. Some drugs cause histamine production, while other drugs, which contain vasoactive peptide or prostaglandin, may cause dilated capillaries. 

Chronic flushing 

If the flushing or redness is chronic, it may be a symptom of rosacea, which is often referred to as adult acne. There are no known causes for rosacea, but when the condition is mild, the cheeks and forehead redden and may sting to the touch. Red blood vessels, in the form of a spidery web, stretch across the impacted area. Severe rosacea often affects men—the nose may enlarge and the eyes may be damaged. 


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Hyperpigmentation refers to areas of your skin that are darker in contrast to the surrounding areas; these spots can range from the size of a freckle to a large and patchy area. 

What causes hyperpigmentation? 

This skin condition is caused by melanocytes in our skin cells, which normally absorb the sun’s ultraviolet rays. They produce melanin, which causes our skin to tan. There may be increased melanocytes or hyperactive melanocytes in certain areas of your skin that overproduce melanin, resulting in a brown patch or hyperpigmentation. 

Melasma is a type of hyperpigmentation, which leaves large patchy brown areas on the face, mostly on the forehead, cheeks and temples. 

Why do I have hyperpigmentation? 

Most of us have some hyperpigmentation because we all have melanin, which reacts to sun exposure. Anyone who has had significant sun exposure is, of course, more likely to see the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Because your face, neck and hands are the parts of your body that are exposed to the sun most often, it usually appears in these areas. 

How can I reduce or eliminate hyperpigmentation? 

This skin condition is typically easily treated, although it will likely reappear with sun exposure. 

Visit us for a complimentary consultation to determine the most optimal treatments.

Facial Scarring  

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A scarred face can have a severe psychological effect. Accidents, surgeries and acne can leave permanent scars on the skin. Your skin reacts to trauma by building scars made up of fibrous tissue. This tissue is not the same as your normal and healthy skin, making it appear discoloured, colourless, raised and/or indented. 

In the past, topical treatments and surgery were the main treatments for scarring. With today’s laser technology, we are able to revise scar tissue with more success and less risk. 

Laser technology provides resurfacing to even out scar texture, irregularities and discolouration. To restore the skin’s surface, dermal fillers are used. Along with these treatment procedures, medical grade skin care can enhance the results and the healing. 

Visit us for a complimentary consultation to determine the most optimal treatments.

Vascular Conditions

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Vascular conditions can be history 

Vascularities are the result of tiny dilated blood vessels. Sun exposure may cause them to become irritated and also to become itchy. 

How can vascular conditions be treated? 

Laser vein removal is a simple, fast and safe treatment to remove vascularities. This treatment is also effective for spider veins, which appear on the legs, and for deeper blue leg veins. 

What are the benefits of laser vein treatment & removal? 

  • Non-invasive procedure 
  • No needles 
  • Safe and comfortable treatment 
  • No downtime - no bruising or blistering after the appointment 
  • Works well in combination with Limelight IPL for removing facial veins 


Laser Vein Therapy Is commonly used to treat: 

  • Facial and leg veins (both superficial and deeper blue veins) 
  • Spider veins 


Visit us for a complimentary consultation to determine the most optimal treatments.

Fine Lines & Wrinkles

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I’m too young to have fine lines 

It can be a bit of a shock to notice those first fine lines around your eyes and mouth. The rest of your face may still appear youthful, but these initial signs of what appears to be aging may become a concern. 

Why are fine lines showing up now? 

Fine lines that don’t disappear when you are moisturizing and hydrating properly may be an indicator your skin cells are beginning to lose a little elasticity. 

The repetitive facial muscle movements required to smile are the culprit behind the fine lines you see around the most expressive parts of your face—your eyes and mouth, which are in constant motion. Small muscles in these areas are always moving, and eventually a small crease appears and stays. Your neck is always in motion as well, and this is why you will see fine lines appear there. 

Visit us for a complimentary consultation to determine the most optimal treatments.