Limelight IPL

If you have sun damage, discoloration, unwanted redness, acne scars or broken capillaries, our IPL services may help!

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At Una Derma Clinic, we believe in using the most state-of-the-art technology to keep your skin looking even-toned, smooth, and youthful. That is why we are proud to be trained and proficient in the use of the Cutera® Limelight IPL system. This device quickly provides effective skin treatment for sun spots, discoloration, age spots, freckles and broken capillaries with minimal discomfort and virtually no downtime. We invite you to get in touch and experience the Cutera® difference today! 

What Is the Cutera® Limelight IPL?

The CUTERA®Limelight IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) laser treatment is an amazing, non-ablative remedy that effectively treats acne scars, rosacea, brown spots, and sun damage. What sets the CUTERA®Limelight apart is its cutting-edge IPL technology which utilizes three distinct wavelengths that can be customized to address various skin conditions. This state-of-the-art laser is capable of precisely targeting specific pigments in the skin, such as acne scarring and dark spots, while also reducing pore size for a visibly clearer complexion.


What Does the Laser Genesis Address? 

The CUTERA® Limelight IPL laser treatment to our patients who suffer from acne scars and other conditions including:

  • Patchy brown spots
  • Unwanted redness
  • Dilated pores
  • Scarring caused by acne
  • Damage from the sun

What Is the Procedure Like? 

When the laser passes over your skin, you may experience a sensation similar to that of an elastic band gently flicking your skin.